• Days, weeks, months passed by and the Republic of Aftermath retrieved peace and prosperity for long. The weather had stabilized, from stifling to warm. It was the world people dreamed of but it somehow felt weird because everything seemed too polished. Resurfaced by a series of landslides the city looked the same and not the same. The usual small apartment blocks had been replaced by high and shiny skyscrapers. The streets were heavenly sized to ease the access for cars to all the city parts. Here and there trees popped out the pavement, offered shadow to the bystanders willing to take a break on the benches inserted alongside the shopping avenue. Slowly the new world had found order and harmony, yet the scars of the past were not healing easily, haunting the memories of the living.
    May 2055:
    Her life was going well, yet she felt empty inside.
    Alys sat in the Wonderland’s living room whose panel windows showed a view of the sea with a cup of jasmine tea in hand to meditate about the coming times. She believed change was possible but only in the long term, for it will take years until people could really benefit from the breeze of change. She liked to just sit there listening to the harmony of the waves where the rising sun shined on the azure blue surface of the water.
    Often at night she wondered what happened on the day of the defusing. She seemed to have no memories of the time during which she was unconscious. It bothered her somehow because she recalled unrelated pieces of time and inaudible gentle words.
    She wanted to know who saved her life, whose arms took her to the living world when she was losing control. She treasured the caring warmth and the almost filial love that were healing her wounds meanwhile she found refuge inside the shield of light surrounding her body.
    She owned a flat in the blocks with Shinichiro since she got a job at the local newspaper as daily journalist, visited on weekends her mother who lived alone in the family’s property. Most of the time she was working at home, writing articles on an old, rusty writing machine she got from Fritz who had decided to open an antique store. A law had been enacted to forbid the use of time travelling, though he was selling various, unusual objects coming from all periods. She was no longer the cheerful and delusioned young woman she was before travelling through time to defuse the Shovel of Death. She was more mature and less naïve as to undersand what made her human. She had fought and cried. She experienced true friendship. She had to go through unfathomable despair and striking pain, climbed so many obstacles always with the hope for a brighter path. She always walked forward, settled in life at the time she met again with everyone. They were united by a strong bound that reminded them of all the battles they had gone through together to create the new world they were dreaming of for many years.
    People were recovering safe but slow from the period they were forced to live undersea. It was impossible to forget. Almost. Somehow it felt all like a dream. No one could tell earlier this world people were so happy to live in was the stage of the chaos. It was the beginning for a great change in how the world should run to guarantee peace and prosperity for long, as long as people were willing to gather for bringing to life a more fair world. It was the lesson mankind learned from the Traumatism at the price of many sacrifices. According to Alys it was a price too heavy to pay though.
    She yawned discreetly, waiting for the train of 8pm to head back home and have a well-deserved rest after a hard working day. She breathed heavily when she sat down on a bench near the railway. The pain inside her heart had not healed over time, invaded by a disturbing feeling of emptiness she could hardly explain with words.
    She was alone when she went on board, always alone.
    A crowd of people filled the area while the bus was coming closer to the city heart. She thought about tonight’s dinner, what to buy at the supermarket.
    And suddenly she caught sight of the man who had just got on board at the previous stop, leaned against the windowsill. He wore a grey hoodle and a pair of neat-cut jeans.  A silver jewel sparkled at his left ring finger. He sat nonchalantly on a jump seat, playing with a bookmark that came along with the book he was reading. An ordinary man, on an ordinary spring evening, came back home by the urban train of 8pm as usual, seemingly.
    His only presence healed for an instant the recurring loneliness that devoured her heart although it brought back sorrowful memories she wanted to forget. Their eyes met quickly, enough for Alys to notice their color changed with the light from olive green to ocean blue in a couple of seconds. He sketched a faint smile and stuffed his book inside his jacket to ask for the next stop. He had no luggage, nonetheless seemed on travel to somewhere. Alys looked at him crossing the street with wide eyes, confused then ran past the door without a thought to follow him, hold him back for a little while longer before he vanished among the crowd of anonymous citizens as if he had just vapored in thin air.
    “Bzzt, bzzt…”
    Alys shut down her cell phone turning around to sleep for a few minutes more.
    “- Hello sis’ it’s Mikael, I know it’s not the proper time to call someone early in the morning. Today’s your birthday, ya’ remember? I have something really important to tell you, you’d better come see by yourself. I’m coming to pick you after work. Clic~”
    She sat on her heels and grabbed some underwear then walked to the bathroom corner. Shinichiro and her had moved on to a well-lit apartment in the city heart since her boss had promoted her news redactor a few months ago. Now freelance press photographer Shinichiro was often on travel abroad so she lived alone most of the time.
    After all everything seemed to have ended quite well but when Mikael called out for her at the least appropriate time, eager to tell her something he thought was so important that he would awake her early in the morning after an all-nighter working on her latest article, it was usually giving her trouble afterwards. She sighed heavily sipping her second cup of coffee to pull her spirits together in order to look fine and refreshed despite a latent lack of good sleep.
    “It feels like a nice dream, almost too real,” she thought while checking the bus departure schedule to the business district. She could not get rid of the impression they had already met somewhere before but did not remember where and when.
    Could not remember.
    Did not want to remember.
    A recurrent dream lost in time came to her mind at night, vanished when she awoke in the morning. She walked ahead on the edge between reality and nothingness without turning back, hanging on to life by a single will of revenge that swallowed every bit of her broken heart. She wanted to shout, she wanted to cry aloud but sounds came from so far away, muted, strangled by a burning anger against her helplessness melted with a dazing feeling of drowsiness that numbed her muscles, motionless, lifeless. Silent tears of guiltiness climbed over her eyelids, ran down her cheeks, out of control, unstoppable.
    Her feet stumbled over something, her legs gave way; she thrashed about to break free from the metallic hands of a humanoid robot before she lost consciousness, breathless.
    What happened next she would never know, only memory flashes bolted behind her eyelids, caring words echoed in the back of her mind, ephemeral, unreachable.
    She was diving calmly in the waters of the afterworld when suddenly friendly, loving arms drove her back to the surface, spared her from dying too early. Fluffy wings flapped in the air, she rested peacefully from her near death experience, protected by a soft shield of light that helped her wounds recover faster, nestled in the warming embrace of a faceless guardian angel.
    - Miss Wonderland, are you listening to the conversation?
    Reality struck hard on her when she looked up at the assembly. “Sorry boss, I was lost in my thoughts just before,” she whispered fighting her best to conceal her sleepiness.
    - Anyway, I was saying just before that we should find a new title for our first page review about the unexpected outcome of Pitsbulk’s trial.
    - “This is just the beginning”. I think it suits best because the world cannot change deeply in the glimpse of five years. Lessons were hard learning but society has remained the same in the end, simply the threat of an imminent nuclear explosion does not exist anymore or at least it seems so until revealed otherwise by history.
    Confused, her colleagues gazed at her in silence with astonishment. Even exhausted, unfocused on the trail of the debate she always answered wisely when her judgment was needed. She sketched a pale smile:
    - Remember that a single word spoke too many, a single choice that only seemed to be the best opportunity to withstand a wordly political crisis overwhelming the layman’s understanding can turn your life upside down in the blink of an eye and shatter your so precious conception of reality to shards of rationality.
    After another exhausting workday Alys allowed herself to leave office earlier than usual at 7pm to have well-deserved rest at home after pulling an all-nighter the previous night. Unfocused, she waited impatiently for her bus, listening to classical piano songs while skimming through her phone dashboard when she noticed someone observed her from the opposite railway. Flushed she crossed legs under her seat at realization he was the mysterious guy she met with yesterday. He was reading the same book, wore the same clothing, not the slightest detail had changed about his demeanour but something went off with him, as if he slipped out of reach like a distant memory every time their paths crossed. Drowsy she kept her eyes mid-closed looking at the departure board; he was gone in the time of a glance upon her shoulder. A crowd of bystanders, average employees, careless students, noisy children and their parents filled the area as the countdown to next train ran down to zero.
    A fresh evening wind battled the street when she went out the underground tube, headed to the nearest grocery store to buy dinner on the run only to find it closed.
    Her watch ticked 8pm in the meanwhile streetlights were switched on one by one.
    A hybrid busway crossed the boulevard.
    The light turned green.
    She took a step forward, wondering what to watch on TV tonight.
    He walked towards her direction from the opposite side.
    A smile pierced his face when their eyes met in the time of a blink.
    His lips articulated slowly muted words, lost in the echo of the urban traffic:
    “ Long time no see Alys.”
    - Wait!
    She took a step back, tried to catch hold of him but her arms only embraced void, a ghostly reflection of the afterworld in which she bathed serenely, nestled in the arms of her saviour. She felt suddenly a violent sting on the neck when his fingers touched lightly the magical seal tattoed on her skin, what drove her back to reality in a heartbeat.
    “Another dream?”
    - Alys, wake up!
    “Have I overslept?” She wondered keeping her eyelids mid-closed to get used to her surroundings, blindfolded by daylight:
    - Mikael, why are you here? What time is it?
    - It’s 7:45 already! It’s been good twenty minutes I’m trying to call your phone but you must have put it on sleep mode once again! After three attempts I have the right to worry about you.
    - Idiot, I’m old enough to live on my own...
    - Today’s your birthday, ya’ remember?
    - It’s been many years I haven’t celebrated that day, it is not particularly bringing back good memories Alys responded with a heavy sigh, grabbing a large bathrobe sprawled over the edge of her bed. She wrapped herself in its soft synthetic fabric and headed to the bathroom to look at her piteous reflect in the mirror.
    - How to explain I will surely be late at work to have overslept after pulling an all-nighter in order to finish an article!
    - Get prepared first lil’ marmot, you look like you’re having a serious hangover after a big integration party!
    - We’re no longer children then stop calling me names randomly!
    - You haven’t changed at all sweetie, you’re always my mellow fellow little sister!
    - You idiot, what does it mean?
    - What it means to me, you refuse to admit you can't redo the past and it starts to affect your personality, am I wrong to assume this is the reason why your sleeping routine is all screwed up?
    - Meanie, why do we have this conversation in the first place!
    - God only knows, you might live or die today, but remember this: stop regretting what’s been done and move on instead because it will give you a reason to look forward to the coming times.
    - Stupid mentalist, why do you always hit right on the spot?
    - Because I can read through your harsh-temper like an open book! Anyways, I’m coming to pick you after work, be sure to go back home on time!
    - All right.
    Lost in her wonders, Alys was admiring the dusk when the noise of the interphone ripped through the trail of her thoughts and pulled her back to reality.
    - Hello?
    - Superbro at your service, are you ready for tonight’s party princess?
    - Coming in a sec’, what’s the plan behind all this Mik’?
    - Sssht, it’s a special surprise for my hypersensitive sister!
    - You idiot!
    - Stop complaining and come down I say, waiting for ya’ in double-parks!
    Alys hung up the speaker and sighed heavily, grabbing her handbag. Mikael was the first of the two to have gained his driving license a few years ago, which made her feel jealous of his second-hand blue electric car.
    - What’s the ruckus about my birthday? She asked herself aloud, putting her keys in her back pocket.
    - Come aboard sweetheart! Mikael exclaimed, turning the motors on.
    Happy Birthday lil’ sis! He added when she jumped on the passenger seat and stole from her a kiss on the cheek.
    - Where are we going?
    - To Mom’s first.
    - She’s in the plan too, right?
    - Not really.
    - You’re confusing me.
    He switched on the radio while the city landscape unfolded beyond the windows. They stopped talking while sweet piano melodies invaded the hearphones, soothing for Alys’ heavy heart. Suddenly she felt a sting on the back of the head.
    - Hi there, we’ve arrived!
    She looked up: they had stopped in front of the Wonderland household surrounded by a verdant garden. “Come inside, I’ll be back in a minute!”
    Fully renovated, the property looked like the home of her childhood. Each step forward brought back nostalgic memories, felt at the same time old and anew.
    A warm spring breeze passed gently through her hair.
    Past the trees that hid partially the house from view, he stood by, a few meters away from her grasp. This time she knew he was a ghost of flesh and blood, nonchalantly leaned back against the wall. In his left hand sparkled a pocket watch indicating 8pm.
    - Mik’, you idiot... she murmured feeling unshed tears climb over her cheekbones.
    - It’s been a while Alys, hasn’t it?
    - For real... you should have told me!
    Arms opened, he smiled widely. She let her guard down and ran across the space between them, holding tightly onto his waist.
    - No way... I can’t... believe it!
    - Glad to be back dear!
    “- I’ve missed you Hitori!”
    - And they all lived together happily ever after... this is how the story should end, shouldn’t it? But happiness never lasts for long before another war truly begins, the toughest and longest one. From the depths of the space-time continuum, the eyes of power glared sarcastically at this peaceful new haven caught in the eye of the storm as if a single finger snap could at whim crush it to pieces like a mere bubble.
    - This is just the beginning!

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  • The light protecting her body felt warm and tender letting in a pleasant sensation of safety and inner peace to sooth her heart. Her whole being was relaxed. Alys wanted this moment to never cease. Floating ten feet off the ground she slept peacefully wrapped in a shimmery field of energy soft as a bubble.
    Streams of energy were irrigating her arms and legs to make her wounds heal faster. But the most painful and the harder to heal was the hole in her chest, a hole made of despair and loneliness. Her throat tightened. Her whole body ached so violently that she could hardly restrain herself from crying again. Tears kept flowing on her cheeks though her eyes were definitely dry. As far as her eyes could see in the mist there was only nothingness everywhere. The glow around her body extended to prevent her from falling. Loving arms tightened her chest into their warm, caring embrace picking her at the edge of the abyss.
     “Can you hear me Alys?”
    Her heart skipped a beat, hearing someone calling her name out. She was too far from the border to hear words clearly.
    “I wanted to tell you I’m sorry for all the trouble you must have gone through because of my lack of responsibility and I will only cause you more pain by saying you goodbye from today on. I don’t know what more to say at the very last. Just go on, look forward to your future life without living forever in the past. Lessons have to be learned from our mistakes but after a while you have to go on your own and live the life of your choice. I will be watching over you from afar. Do not think it is causing me no pain to make such a decision. We have gone through so many obstacles together and with everyone else. Damn someone who wants to become hero saving the world from destruction should not cry openly like a child, right? Sincerely I am. It is tearing my heart apart to leave you behind without saying properly goodbye but I have to depart from this world without turning back. Otherwise I would not wield the strength necessary to hang on any longer. I can as easily end my life as I’m speaking now because I have the power of controlling life and death but I promised myself to never use it. Go on. Stop crying. All that matters, fulfil your dreams and you’ll become yourself.”
    Arms that were wrapping her tightly let go of her chest. A harsh coldness took over her heart. She was alone. Again. Her eyes opened wide as though she awoke after a very long slumber. At the edge of her eyesight she caught glimpse of fluffy angel wings flapping in the air. Her field of sight narrowed while a disturbing sleepiness took over her senses. A silent blow swallowed her last splinters of consciousness. The world collapsed. She was fading away in the light when her brother’s voice cut through the water begging her to wake up.  He threw his arms around her shoulders pulling her to the surface:
    - Alys, please wake up!
    She felt the sweet touch of sun hovering over her skin.
    She blinked and looked up. Above her the sky was clear, coloured with a vivid flawless blue. Mikael was leaned over her, his face brightened by a caring smile. She thought it was the first time she saw him smiling.
    - We are back.
    She looked around. The sea was calm, only perturbed by the dance of a fleet of seagulls.
    Her inner wounds had healed however still she missed the reassuring presence of Hitori by her side. Despite the happiness and the relief of coming back she just wanted to cry, to lose hold of her emotion.
    Mikael wrapped her inside his arms trying to be comforting:
    - Be brave and everything will go fine. Just pass through.
    - If only I could.
    - Don’t cry.
    They stayed embraced for a while feeling soothed and relieved by each other’s presence, then Mikael set her free and guided her by hand to the top of the dune where Alys met again with everyone. A sweet breeze played with her hair revealing a blue seal tattoed on her nape. The city beneath shimmered like a spark of hope in the sunlight as to celebrate the adventure’s successful outcome.
    - Welcome back Alys, Ashley commented giving her hand to help her reach the dune’s peak and so she offered to Mikael.
    Just standing there together under the sky without thinking twice about the next attack or the better strategy to win the war was so nice.
    The atmosphere was so warm.
    The weather was awesome.
    The moment was magical.
    Yet a tear fell along Alys’ cheek.
    Peace had been achieved, but at such a price.
    Isha unlocked the main door of her house with hesitation. More than the loneliness the silence was the worst. Now that everyone had left it felt so empty. Night was about to fall She switched on the lighting and leaned back on her sofa wearily. She lit a perfumed candle but the wild rose scent reminded her of Hitori’s clothes If things happened differently maybe today they were married and ready to raise their family like they had vowed to each other long time ago. Her throat tightened remembering once again the day they argued over their unfulfilled promise of marriage.
    A blast of wind from the sea kept blowing playing with the trees’ leaves.
    The sweet warmth, the newly born flowers with their colourful shades transformed the garden into a little heaven. The twilight sparkled magically on the golden sand.
    But even such lovely and peaceful scenery could not make Isha feel happy.
    - I can’t marry you.
    Those words echoed painfully beneath her head.
    - Why?
    - Not now. Someday, if until then we stay together.
    - I still don’t understand. I don’t get the point of waiting the right moment to get married. There is no right moment there is the moment. We have lived together for quite a while now and it is enough to prove we are ready to give birth to our family.
    - We are already somehow engaged by the oath I pledged to you, freely engaged.
    - This is not the same matter as a proposal. I really want to live with you meaning getting married, buying a house, raising children things that we can only achieve together and that give a sense to life.
    - I promise we will in the near future.
    Hitori wanted to embrace her but she slipped out his arms and turned her back to him:
    - We always make promises just like old teenagers. I wish we could have become adults together.
    Hitori walked to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders:
    - The hero is fairly capable to cross storms and fire only to find you whenever you’re lost and the man loves you dearly,ready to lay down his life for your sake. Isn’t it already enough?
    - I can’t tell.
    He let go of her chest and swirled to face her:
    - What more do you want from me?
    - Whatever I’ll say you’ll manage to do it as a proof of your love for me. Imagine I’d ask you to renounce to your position of Lonesome leader, would you do it?
    She knew where to hit to make him react. He sighed and rubbed his nose edges:
    - Everything else but not that. I hold too much grief towards Official people to just go on and let it pass like casualties.
    - If your feelings were stronger you would have answered yes.
    - You don’t get it. I still love you but I can’t betray my beliefs and my comrades.
    - Being a revolutionary means the government considers you as an outlaw. Outlaws are never welcome in authoritarian regimes. I’m scared at the thought you can either be thrown in jail or killed at any occasion without warning.
    - It won’t happen.
     - Are you sure?
    - Yes.
    - Then the marriage… ?
    - Not yet, not when Hellmet Pitsbulk still holds the leadership of the country. I won’t forgive it to myself if you or our future children were put in danger.
    He pressed his fist against his heart:
    - I would even sacrifice my flesh for any of you.
    Isha smiled and kissed him on the cheek
    - I value sincerity and hold a boundless respect for sincere people. All that matters for me is to know you alive and safe. You’d made me only suffer and worry for you by your foolhardiness to fight them at the cost of your life. I never told you but your oath really touched me. None of my boyfriends from before would have had the bravery to come apologize to me on bended knee.
    She wrapped an arm around his neck and let him rest his head against the curve of her shoulder. They stayed embraced for a while. Then Hitori looked up and kissed his future wife on the forehead:
    - I promise I will bring peace to the country so that everyone will find again hope and freedom. It will be a long and exhausting fight but until then I’m ready to endure it just to offer happiness to all those who miss it.
    - You’ll always find me to support you and stand by your side, whether you succeed or not.
    Isha gazed at the crescent moon leaned over the balcony pensively. Between her fingers the candle shined and warmed up her hands, frozen by the temperature drop of the beginning fall. She let it burn slowly looking ahead at the stars almost wrapping the city benath in a magical atmosphere. Rather than a mere candle fading in the night the little flame she protected from the wind might be as well Hitori’s heart, his heart he offered to her long ago at the same time so strong and so fragile like it was going to fade away as a stray of candle smoke in the air. Freshly healed the wound inside the left side of her chest seemed reopened leaving a hole, a hole of regrets and guiltiness.
    She had to go through however. The sacrifice of Hitori had given the start to the revolution. Soon the world was going to change. A new balance was to be found there in people’s will for change. Only if they wanted to no one could force them.
    New presidential elections were going to occur soon but it felt somehow unfair.
    Hellmet Pitsbulk was sufficiently influent to tip irreversibly the result and keep the leadership of the country.
    The defusing had only prevented the world from collapsing. But now more people were aware of the upcoming political crisis real scale. New, independent but small opposition movements were brought to life the percentage of protesters over the total population was still so tiny. Although a trial was going to be held by a special justice court mandated by the United Countries Committee to condemn the regime of Hellmet Pitsbulk for war slaughter with heavy circumstances protesters were still scared of retaliation from the transitive government mostly composed of his followers.
    Democracy was possible, not yet, maybe in the near future. People had just begun to manifest in the streets more often but the new government addressed closed ears at their rededications establishing a social pattern especially tense.
    The sea sparkled in spite of the ambient darkness illuminated by the shining moon. Alys dressed in her night suit and sat near the window to admire the night. It has been long since the last time she stared at a beautiful clear night sky.
    Finally Mikael and herself were back to Earth and to the home of their childhood.
    But it happened that she had regrets reminding the good moments she had lived in Society. Not everything was bad about her life there: she had met great people like Hitori and Isha and if they had not been there, most likely she would not have gained the strength to continue living without the ones she loved. She had always considered Hitori as a second father back then.
    Hid in a corner of the playground Alys was crying. Life at the orphanage felt painful like an everyday burden, the weight of loneliness because she had lost hope in waiting for anyone to take her back home. Her fingers clawed into the ball she was holding into her hands like a treasure: it was a gift she had received for her birthday from Moto Rorola that woman who saved her life. After the Evacuation ended, she had left her to the care of the shelter’s employees. By dint of playing with the ball it slipped out her fingers and slid on the ground on the direction of the gatekeeper’s cat that was roaming around casually. He found a new toy to twist playfully between his paws.
    - Give it back! Alys yelled.
    The animal growled clawing jealously his paws into the ball.
    - Let go - !
    She was stopped in the middle of her pace by a hand that picked up the ball for her.
    - Is it yours? Here take it.
    The words were pronounced softly not like when the cook or the cleaning lady yelled at her when she was late for dinner or bedtime. She looked up. A young man approximately thirty years old, good looking, addressed to her a warm smile. He bent down and placed the ball between her palms:
    - You are Alys, aren’t you?
    He seemed strange but acted friendly: why was he using her real name to address her? Usually everyone called her Sam Suung and it was more convenient that way so that she could live in peace without worrying about the scary men who were said to be searching for her. Nonetheless she nodded, the kindness in his smile and the warmth of his presence were reassuring, proving his intentions were harmless. She had been always told not to give too easily her trust to strangers but somehow he was not the average guy to fool a little girl.
    He looked at her in the eyes, arms opened:
    - Sorry to have kept you waiting for so long, I’m here to take you home. I promise you will never be put in danger under my protection from now on.
    He was the very first person to feel consideration and compassion for her. It was comforting to be sheltered in his arms that were strong and protective.
    Mikael found his sister asleep over the balcony cheeks moist of tears and smiled with affection. He knew what she was feeling but had to keep secret the circumstances that led the Lonesome to win the battle. He stepped forward under the moonlight:
    - I’m sorry Alys.
    The young woman awoke with a start, turning back on her brother:
    - Oh it’s you Mik, I was not expecting you to be awake.
    - I’m glad to know you alive and safe.
    - Why is everyone hiding the truth from my knowledge?
    - What?
    - I was indebted by a contract to the Judge for giving me protection whenever I was put in danger, thus I assume that the Judgment of Time has been activated at last.
    - He thought it would be better for you to forget until you were able to hear all the truth, thus why your memories of the battle were erased. Till the end he truly wished your happiness and made me promise to always protect you by giving me the charge of Juror which delegates to me the status of Judge on earth while he travels across the space-time continuum.
    - So it was not a dream?
    - What do you mean?
    Alys turned around to face her big brother, looking up at him with brilliant eyes:
    - I might not remember anything but I take for granted that I have had a near death experience. I’m thankful to whoever saved my life just in time.
    - Be assured that a guardian angel watches over you from afar.
    His arms wrapped her shoulders with comfort, pulling her into their warmth to sooth the stirring pain living inside her heart. “I’m glad you’ve grown up into a fine woman”, he whispered while his fingers touched the blue seal drawn iin the curve of her neck. A crowd of reminiscent memories emerged from oblivion, revealing her the end of the story about the defusing of the most powerful nuclear bomb ever created over history.
    A new resolve birthed in their hearts, although they were yet unable to take on the fight left unachieved in legacy to the world’s will for change by Hitori. A great victory had been achieved but a long waited revolution for freedom was about to begin.

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  • Nightfall wrapped the assembly room in a soft, intimate chiaroscuro.
    Sitting at one end of the table a man lit up a cigarette looking straight at his interlocutor:
    - I know that it is such a hard decision to make when you’re supposed to feel happy but we have no other choice.
    - I’ve already made so many sacrifices for the country’s sake but I’m afraid this one completely goes beyond my abilities Mr. President.
    - Coming from you whose loyalty to the country has never failed for the sake of guaranteeing the predominance of national interest before any personal objection, this is quite an unexpected answer Minister Kokuboheki.
    Voiceless Marcus remained silent, hands clasped over the confidential folder put in front of him. He sighed heavily eyes mid-closed to fight back his emotion and stared at the sea unfolding gracefully beyond the panel windows.
    - The view is splendid tonight.
    - I will write personally a letter to your wife, showing my compassion and wishing her the best to apology for the pain such a dilemma is imposing to your family.
    Meanwhile speaking he handled over to Marcus a flask containing an eerie, clear liquid hanging at a thin golden chain. “You have to do it”, he whispered, looking compassionately at Marcus. Shattered the young man stared imploring at the President: “Please leave us more time to decide ourselves, I’m begging you ... even I’d be glad to bear the charge of Judge myself if necessary!”
    The old politician studied him carefully, and sighed with weariness:
    - Come to see me tomorrow after the council of ministers so that we can talk in private from man to man. I do my best to serve the national interest but in times of sorrow I cannot turn a deaf ear to the distress of a father caring for his family’s sake.
    Marcus extended his hand, summoning all his power to strengten his healing abilities. A light blue aura illuminated his palm summoning a protective shield to heal my wounds:
    - Hang on to life, I’m begging you honey!
    I open my eyes widely, sheltered in his warm embrace. “You’ll be doing fine”, he whispered touching my forehead. “Tic, Tac! Tic, Tac!” The stream of power roaming deep within me activated the unbelievable, complex machinery of time again. It broke the seal and released an incredible amount of blue meth to irrigate my body. Through a cloud of blue mist I saw my father leaning on the wall to find support, physically exhausted. I realize with shock he is suddenly affected by age as though controlling time had stopped him from aging during his twenty years of absence.
    One night that decided of everything, sealing the Lonesome’s fate.
    Once again Sen Maa Kloud had given up on sleeping harrassed restlessly by his nightmares.
    The basement was silent. Books drew ghostly figures on the walls, hanging on the shelves like old ripped clothing. Fortunately most of them, but not all, had been saved from destruction thanks to the Lonesome’s activism.
    Light flickered on the walls, illuminating the corridor leading to the library. The door was left half opened revealing a man sitting in front of his laptop at the center of the room. One could assume he was writing, although he was focused on learning coding to hack the Register. It was a confidential document created by the Officials to record citizen’s identities. It decided whichever someone was granted the citizenship of Society or was registered in the regime’s blacklist.
    Another error message showed up on the screen. Stood behind the door Sen Maa Kloud startled when he heard a cry that echoed astoundingly in the silence. Voiceless he did not know how to react at this instant. He remembered at once it was mostly his fault if the Traumatism had happened and clenched his fists angrily. If only he had more bravery to disobey the orders, the bomb would never have exploded and caused the Traumatism.
    - It is your fault for pushing the ultimate button by accident Sen but I’m not a vengeful person. The past is now behind us so that we can only look forward to the future. Crying over yesterday’s happiness won’t bring my beloved Alys back.
    - I shall help you find her in any way possible.
    Sen Maa Kloud gritted his teeth, looking up to meet his comrade’s gaze:
    - It’s a promise, Sempai.
    Fritz dodged hastily the bullets aiming for his legs. He walked then started to run faster and faster, throwing his body forward to punch the Shovel of Death with all his might. His anger decupled his strength although knowing he stood no chance against a cyborg as powerful and dangerous as the Shovel of Death but he figured out he was not fighting to take revenge for himself against Hellmet. He was a man who always kept his promises.
    For me whose shattered dream only remained as a distant past, he was ready to sacrifice his life to pay the price of his actions. He sought neither for forgiveness nor redemption because he knew already he was unforgivable.
    His dedication to help the Lonesome by stealing sensitive information for us as best as he could was touching. Even though he did not appear at first to be such a reliable person. He was an independent activist acting on his own to protest against the Officials, serving his personal goals when joining our ranks ten years ago after the Evacuation ended.
    However his loyalty was infallible to me since that night when he realized how much he betrayed mankind by carrying Hellmet’s plan without thinking twice. I’m not a man who cried easily so when I did, it would really mean I was feeling down. Feeling upset by the cruelty of fate that tore up my world to shreds of guiltiness; impossible to forget, impossible to forgive.
    It was so sudden and yet her words sounded so regretful. A single message sent on a lonely night that felt the longest of my nights.
    “I’m moving on tomorrow with the children to the south part of the country where they will grow up safely. Everything is already set so we’ll not see each other in a while. I apologize sincerely for leaving you so rashly but I had no other choice after yesterday’s presidential speech. I do hope someday we’ll meet again. You were my greatest friend who supported me all this time with your smile and your compassion when I was feeling down. Take care Hitori, please live happy with or without me.  Speak soon, Ashley”.
    Days spent remembering, weeks spent waiting and soon the government that spied on people’s correspondence cut down all the communications between the capital and the countryside without warning. I lived dead, swallowed by melancholy.
    I got friends and family to support me in my despair but I could never forget Ashley’s smile radiant like a ray of sun in the darkness of my days. So I learned with time how to forget her to stop living forever in the past but deep inside I held tight grudges against Hellmet for stealing away from me the very happiness of my life.
    I watched Fritz and Hellmet fighting.
    Their struggle appeared as a clash of weapons colliding into a storm of light and iron.
    I was not expecting we’d come to battle for defusing the bomb. It caused such a disaster, bringing despair and sorrow in people’s lives that I did not want history to repeat once again. I recalled this dark era of chaos too painfully.
    But Fritz was not an experienced fighter, rather a smart strategist and genuine scientist.
    His attacks were good but it was not enough to beat Hellmet’s brute strength. One hit mischeiviously stronger than all his previous attacks cut through an opening and paralyzed Fritz, throwing his weapon far from hand grasp.
    I collapsed on knees when I saw his body slowly falling onward. He had sacrificed his life to protect mine. His body shimmered, while his time rewinding ability helped his wounds to heal faster. I bent down at his bedside lending to him a bit of my power by casting a defensive shield around his body.
    - This can’t go on forever, I whispered looking up to gaze straight at Hellmet.
    I stood back to my feet, staggering: “Innocent people will get killed if we continue fighting pointlessly”.
    - Said the king after being made checkmate by the adversary side, Hellmet responded impassively.
    He chuckled mischievously, arms crossed over the chest:
    - Can you defeat me?
    Behind his back the Shovel of Death moved mechanically like a puppet, regenerating his lost arm. His fingertips set target on my neck. Five arrows slashed the air but this time I was somehow prepared for it to happen. But none pierced my chest.
    Astonished I froze in shock. Her hair fell back on her shoulders, swirling in the air like a flame. Her hand grabbed the arrows one by one, shattering them to a bunch of tiny lightning bolts.
    - If you take one more step, you’ll have to pass over my dead body!
    - Is that so?
    This time she was the one targeted. A huge amount of brute strength came out the Shovel of Death’s armor at once, blowing up everything that got in the way. My willpower was decupled by my despair.. My body jolted, releasing all my remaining strength to stop the explosion from happening. Time froze, wrapping the world into a blue, shimmering protecting aura. Caught in the eye of the storm the assembly was silenced, stunned by the Judgment’s steadiness able to dispel the explosion. I stood in the mist and wrapped a shield around my comrades but I could no longer hang on, trapped in a fight of contradictory forces struggling to coexist.
    When the mist dissipated, I fell powerless to my knees while time was rewinding.
    I lost consciousness.
    - Hitori, are you spacing out again?
    “Huh?” I awoke with a start and looked up at my interlocutor, recognizing Ashley’s voice.
    Wooden shelves filled with law books were hanging at the walls. Sunlight fell past the window. We were sitting together at a table on side covered of papers and books.
    My eyes blinked when I recognized the school’s library. I realized with astonishment I had just come back twenty years ago to the time we were living together in collocation, spending most of our free time working at the library.
    - Exams are coming near so you should keep on pace! She reproached me gently.
    Second year is always the hardest; once you get the right work methods I’m sure you can succeed!
    I sketched a pale smile, looking at her with concern. She really had a caring personality, always worrying for me before herself. It feels strange to come back in time, sitting at the same table where we usually met again after the end of classes to study at the library.
    I pictured her silhouette leaning against the border of the window reading a law dictionary. Her eyes drifted from one page to another while her free hand was caressing gently her belly under her summer dress. She had once told me she was going to give birth for the second time by the end of May and regretted she was alone to bring up two children at a time. She used to love a man but actually they parted eight months ago consequently to his irresponsibility faced with the constraints of family life. Whatsoever they barely said hello to each other in the morning for a few years already, since he got the opportunity to work as researcher at the local power station. She was not talking a lot about him who made her suffer a lot because of his absence. He left home early in the morning and came back late at night, exhausted and very irritable so they barey shared time together in private.  He left on mission to the shore time by time, often for six months straight without break and usually sent news to her once in a while. He focused on work to a disproportional extent so she started to wonder if he remembered to have a family that waited for him patiently at home. She no longer considered herself as Ashley Davis and used most of the time her maiden name Wonderland on official papers.
    However she was an optimistic woman who always looked at things on the bright side so she did her best to stop living in the past and look forward to the future.
    Reality was fading to a mix of colours and abstract shapes before my eyes.
    When I intended to stand, my body refused to move, numbed by exhaustion.
    - Hitori! Are you awake? Can you hear me?
    I saw my sister’s worried face leaned over me and smiled:
    - Almost alive.
    Hellmet shot glance at me, arms crossed over the chest. The explosion had not managed to blow up but at least deactivate the Shovel of Death. He was spared from talking by Ashley:
    - In ten years you’ll be tried for your deeds before justice. This case will not stay unforgotten.
    She summoned the United Countries Committee’s time portal and looked away at the sun turning red, as nightfall was about to come:
    - You’ve truly become a great man Hitori, but I knew you could do it from the start. Secretly I was hoping we’d meet again sooner because I missed the warmth of your presence by my side. Fate decided for us the contrary. If you ever wish to come back I’ll be glad to wecome you home.
    “I’ll be gone for a while”, I whispered my eyes searching for Alys.
    She has not awakened yet, still lying down inert in her brother’s arms.
    Mikael’s embrace lightened when he saw me kneeling at her bedside.
    Speechless I hugged Alys dearly. Time has come to say goodbye. I know I should erase her memories but I just can’t, looking at her sleeping peacefully as though everything was a dream from the beginning. “Stop crying”, I whisper tenderly to her ear, kissing her on the forehead moved to tears. Her eyebrows frown when her eyes try to open. She gazes at the world around dizzily and sees me. It revives the shine in her eyes. I wonder if she can recognize me. She closes her eyes. I stroke her hair gently letting my hand draw a complex symbol above her head. When she will awoke, she must forget everything about the circumstances of the battle as though I was forever dead however it won’t alleviate the pain of my disappearance. I leapt through time past storms and sunniy skies, cities in ruins and high skyscrapers. Around us the world collapsed and collided into a whirl of light, shadow and colors. Time came to admit she belonged to the living world  “All that matters, fulfil your dreams and you’ll become yourself.” I say compassionately before I lighten my embrace watching the waves caressing her body lying down inert on the sand.
    I sighed of relief when I saw her brother on knees at her bedside. He will be there to stand by her side and protect her when she will be feeling down. At last the world is saved. My mission on Earth is fully accomplished.

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  • Marcus_KK
    Marcus Kokuboheki

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  • July 17th, 2050:
    Negotiating with someone self proclaiming himself President and threatening the members of the committee to start a new world war if they tried anything to put down his regime claiming it was none of other countries’ business to tell him how he was supposed to act as a legitimate leader happened to be very hard if not almost impossible.
    The diplomats were cornered whatever decision was the best to take faced with such setting of events. All efforts to save the world from premature destruction had been put into action and yet it had resulted in a masterful checkmate. Desperate they could only wait for history to repeat. Even if the Lonesome managed to defuse the Shovel of Death on time it only gave the start for the true revolution taken care by the committee to conciliate all countries around the world to establish a long-term democracy.
    July 15th, 2040:
    Arms opened I extend my hands pulling Alys’ inert body into their caring embrace. Because of the amount of energy I used to save her she has lost consciousness and I held her lovingly against my chest smiling with compassion. She will think it was a dream, that I came to visit her in her sleep but I must admit painfully that it is the hard reality. I should remain a memory for her to stop living in the past and go forward.
    Tears filled my eyes while I look at her sleeping peacefully. When she will awake I’ll be forever gone. I’m dying of remorse to cause her more suffering than necessary although I must fight back my emotion in front of Hellmet.
    I turned around to put Alys inside the shield too. I see hope in the eyes of everyone that are expecting me to solve the situation at last because we won’t have a third chance to achieve so. We’ve been fighting together for many years and we no longer need words to communicate our thoughts and expectations. Seeing my siblings reunited is moving. I haven’t seen again my sister in so long since she left home to become engaged singer. As always her smile enlightens the curves of her face, warm and caring. I will forever keep her in memory as a big sister watching over her little brother from afar. Her lips moved slow, speaking softly words of encouragement: “We’re counting on you!”  I would like to cry of emotion, hug tight my comrades and my family for the last time because I know so well after the fight has ended our roads should part when I’ll retreat from the living world to wander across the flow of time. Instead a pale reckless grin draws on my face while streams of power focus and gather between my palms. I feel the weight of a heavy task put on my shoulders, such is my fate and I can’t give up after going through so many obstacles with everyone to win the war.
    “ Make the right choice!”
    Hearing this old rough voice resurfacing from a past I had managed to forget sounded too familiar and yet so foreign. How this can be even possible?
    I look over my shoulder to make sure I’m not dreaming of hearing my father’s voice. My eyes widened. He stood next to Theodora and Naomi holding their hands tight.
    I can’t hide my astonishment and my emotion, though I bit my lip hard to redeem my composure and turn around to face Hellmet. He’s looking at me mockingly and snapped his fingers putting the Shovel of Death in movement. The robot moved mechanically but quickly. Its arms and legs made of iron split apart scattering into long shot war guns.
    I leap backward to dodge the first bullets throwing defensive shields in the air to stop them. I look at them exploding, scattering into bits of sharp metal melting immediately and frown. Like expected those weapons are highly radioactive, filled with nuclear energy. To destroy the puppet I must defeat the puppet master.
    Hellmet threw another row of bullets laughing mischeviously:
    - So now are you starting to understand you can’t defeat me in your state? All you’re doing is escaping once and again, trying hard to counterattack, but in the end I’ll manage to find your weakness! Because all heroes have weaknesses!
    His words echoed strangely in my mind, recalling a woman’s face from a distant past I had forgotten with time. She smiles warmly holding a newborn baby in her arms. Sky is cloudless, reflecting on the surface of the sea. Then all of a sudden their faces vanished falling in pieces as though they were made of glass. When I look up at Hellmet I remember what lit my determination, the reason why I’ve been fighting for a better world guaranteeing justice and freedom of expression. Why we broke up because of Hellmet who was already persecuting intellectuals at the time even before he was self-proclaimed as country leader. My will was to protect them who were living happily together without a second thought about their lives endangered. I shove my hand onward, casting a shield large enough to stop all the bullets at once:
    - Using strength has never solved anything! Why won’t you listen to what I have to say? If you keep playing around with this cyborg of yours the world will blow in an instant. Is that what you want?
    Not waiting for an answer I cast an orb between my palms that grew bigger and showed a glimpse of the near future if another Traumatism happened again, a sight of true chaos.
    For several days the world is dipped into darkness. Flying submarines cross the sea back and forth dragging survivors undersea to live in the new safe world created by the government. Then slowly things seem to get back to normal but people who were forced to stay on Earth are living in huge nuclear shelters from now on. Nothing can grow nor breathe outside the residential structures that had replaced the former high skyscrapers shattered to ruins
    - Can you live with the weight of such responsibility? I added.
    - I get your point but it has not happened yet so you can’t prove anything with just magic.
    - You’ll dwell with your deeds in a dark cold cell like the one you have thrown me into for showing opposition to your regime. I’m not saying here I’m the victim because it only showed to the world your true face in how you deal with protesters, who are willing to revolt by speaking the voice of the opposition. You’ve gone way too far. So what? Look at it the reasonable way, is it possible for me to stay neutral as to decide of the judgment’s outcome when you’ve been missing with your duties as leader during so many years? But my task is not to eliminate you. I must listen to your reasons and try to weight my judgment by taking the right decision. In other words I’m not here to seek for revenge but to prevent you from doing something irreversible that will cost the lives of many people while seeking for more and more power.
    - Words are not enough to save it all! Are you expecting me to surrender right now so easily? I simply have to push this big red button you know and every life on this world will disappear.  Come to stop the countdown, otherwise you’ll feel guilty not to have intervened on time to avoid another apocalypse!
    My life is shattered. Since the Evacuation has ended I’m staying under check with other refugees at the staging area waiting for the government to assign me a new identity and a place to live. We’re keeping track of latest news thanks to the radio broadcasting official reports all day long. Lost in the echo the names of the missing are said one by one like a funeral prayer, either people who went missing or died. In the deafening undersea silence it sounded like a sorrowful broken harmony, a melody of sadness and chaos bringing back memories of our beloved we had forever lost. I thought my heart skipped a beat when suddenly her name appeared in the list. My ears caught hold of this long forgotten woman name like a precious treasure recalling the happiness of brighter days.
    How long has it been?
    In the darkness a face is shining like a fugitive memory of love and trust. We were strongly united like best friends finding support in each other’s smile to keep living. Our hearts collided and became one standing up for the same cause. She presided the student council. I was another student who barged in the school syndicate to raise my voice against the regime. We shared only a few things in common at first, yet our fight was the same, a fight to hope for freedom against injustice. We became close friends, laughing and chatting like there was no tomorrow. She was always smiling but I knew without asking she was enduring her everyday life the hard way.
    I remember the day when we parted. Still today the sound of the official radio is resonating in the back of my head when a bittersweet feeling of melancholy comes to harass me in my inner meditations. I hold tight the keepsake hanging around my neck to stop mourning about a past long gone. Inside the sweet scent of lavender is faint but soothing for my broken heart when I awake in the dark to look at the moon appearing from afar above the surface. Everyone around me is falling asleep after hours waiting for a new life only a few ones will be granted after all.
    How could I forget the reason why I was fighting?
    My determination grew stronger when my gaze drifted from Hellmet to the Shovel of Death. I have so little time left to watch the birth of the new world I’m dreaming of. Every minute counts draining my power, my strength as well.
    I take a step forward and extend my hand. Aiming at Fritz a blue seal draws shape over my palm. I feel also the presence of the Lawyer and the Witness at my side. Time’s clock machinery was put into action by the gathering of the four of us. It sizzled and broke apart into shards shapeshifting into an hourglass made of light.
    - Let’s end this war properly. Time itsel will punish you by death anyway for the world to find harmony so I’m ready to carry somehow a fair trial although you’ll not get round of a suited condemnation for your deeds. I hold in my hands this shattered dream you stole from mankind long ago by trying to get control over the flow of time. Of course one can’t erase the past and people will remember what happened but it will only remain as a memory of our mistakes we should not reproduce in order to recover peace. You committed murder against mankind itself seeking for more and more power by scheming to set on fire the ultimate nuclear weapon called the Shovel of Death. You pretended it was an accident throwing opprobrium on a young nuclear researcher who was the perfect victim of your evil plan for the example but you and only you were the mastermind of the apocalypse.
    - But it was not me who pushed the big red button so he has to be blamed for causing an apocalypse by accident! Hellmet responded with an evil smirk.
    - Adding to your circumstances it will aggravate your condemnation for shattering the lives of many people fighting for justice against your regime. You shall be punished to have persecuted without mercy politicians, intellectuals or simply ordinary citizens who became active political opponents to prove mankind was still able to stand for human rights and freedom of expression fighting for democracy against your thirst of absolute authority.
    I look at the flow of time dancing inside the hourglass and added in a lighter voice:
    - As for me, the reason why I returned from death lays in my esteem for the special person I swore to protect long ago as my own daughter at all cost. I’m speaking in the name of every innocent civilian, every orphan child who does not deserve to die by the whim of a power thirsty dictator and his gruesome cyborg made of nuclear energy.
    The Judgement birthed into a giant time clock responding to my summoning. My hand tipped swiftly the hourglass upside down activating its power.
    - Have you anything else to say for your defence?
    - Anyhow my culpability can’t be denied so feel free to carry the judgment as you please.
    - You will have to respond of your actions before a proper justice court mandated by the United Countries Comitee. For now I’m simply asking you to stop the countdown right away for world’s sake.
    - Do you think I’m really going to subdue so easily without fighting?
    He snapped his fingers, bringing the Shovel of Death to life. The robot activated the complex mechanism managing its body made of iron, putting its arms and legs in movement. The ground crumbled under its feet when he stepped forward to stand between Hellmet and me in order to protect its master. I gulped of fear despite my foolhardiness when a pair of lifeless mechanic eyes shot glance at me with anger.
    Hellmet chuckled with satisfaction. An evil smirk curled his lips when he spoke again:
    - What now? Will you still pretend you can beat me with that toy of yours that can only make history repeat once again?
    Voiceless in horror, I looked at him holding out a remote set with a big red button on top. I wanted to scream but what only came out were the tears that climbed over my cheeks silently. I could no longer hold them back. I closed my eyes to put my spirits together and think reasonably about my next move. Behind my eyelids a face showed up, like a ray of sunlight. Her smile made me reconsider my actions. I should keep fighting until I obtained victory, or lost the battle.
    - Choosing you to be Judge, what a joke! You’re scared of fighting like always, aren’t you?
    I clenched my fists. When my eyes opened their colour had changed from olive green to bright turquoise.
    - What of it? Strength is not the answer to everything! Do we need to begin another war to understand we should use words instead of fists to make the world to change positively? What kind of future waits for us if we can’t live in peace? Our children do not deserve to suffer because of our mistakes! If you intend on escaping your responsibilities in this matter, I cannot let it pass between us like casualties!
    - Only words!
    Responding to his will, the Shovel of Death moved closer to me, seizing my neck in a single move. His grasp tightened while he lifted me a few inches above the ground, quickly disarming me. I used my last shards of power to strengthen the shield but could no longer hang on. The barrier broke apart, exposing my comrades to danger.  “Spare their lives... “ I whispered in a weak voice. Resisting any longer was draining my life force.
    - Hellmet, listen up you b***d! Marcus yelled.
    Everyone startled. Theodora’s eyes asked him to retreat but he decided to interfere instead, standing next to me and added:
    - You shall be punished right away for your crimes! I’ve been setting up a strategy to save the world from premature destruction, hiding in the shadows for twenty years, but your stubbornness is unforgivable, highly exceeding my expectations! Even when you know everything is over and you’ll be sentenced to jail for the rest of your life, you’re still trying to get round of your punishment because facing your responsibilities, after your thirst of power has nearly destroyed the entire world, is too heavy to dwell with!
    - Do you realize where you stand right now? You’re telling me to subdue to justice but why haven’t you stopped me from achieving my plans earlier?
    - It may sound cheesy but I knew the lives of my siblings were endangered if I fought recklessly head on to take you down the leadership. By watching over the world from afar during the last twenty years, I wanted to protect them, as best as I could, from you and your regime.
    - Speaking of which, you’d be smart enough to stay back, wouldn’t you? You don’t seem to realize what’s truly going to happen if you resent using fists to fight me. I will play nicely and put it a different way for you to understand everything about the sensitive matter you’re currently trapped into for being careless!
    He smirked, gazing at the Shovel of Death with amusement:
    - According to what you told me earlier, you pretend to be a loving and caring father. Right?
    You who survived death have acquired that so desired power too!
    Marcus nodded silently and frowned:
    - What happened in the past must stay in the past. I admit I can’t make up for the choices I made, but one thing I take for granted is my love for my siblings. And so, whatever is your plan for winning the war, you’ll have to pass over my dead body if you dare stealing away from me that happiness!
    Lost in the echo of time lingered bittersweet memories from thirty years ago that Marcus recalled painfully.
    Back in time a face enlightened by a warm, caring smile
    By the window a soft breeze carries a sweet flower scent inside the room.
    Preceded by her father a little girl hurried to her mother’s bedside:
    - Mom, are you all right? ~
    - Be reassured Naomi, Mommy is doing fine but really tired because of giving birth so she needs to rest at the hospital a few days more.
    Hearing a stranger's voice for the first time, the little human being between her arms opened widely his eyes, gazing at the child sitting near the bed. “She’s Naomi, your big sister”, Theodora whispered, cuddling her newborn baby tenderly, smoothing the tiny strands of golden brown hair that peaked out on his forehead.
    - He’s so cute! <3
    Marcus laughed lightly with amusement. A gentle smile curled his lips. He sighed, looking deeply at Theodora and put a hand over Naomi’s shoulder:
    - Mommy and I need to talk in private for a moment. Can you please go play outside?
    Naomi nodded but looked over her shoulder at her parents with curiosity when her father closed the door.
    Marcus leaned against the wall wearily, looking with compassion at his wife:
    - Darling, what should we do?
    - Time will come soon enough for our son to learn how to deal with the weight of his fate. Do you really think, as truly loving parents, we should entrust him such a burden to bear with at a young age?
    - Unfortunately, we have no choice.
    - I refuse! Gaining such a powerful ability coveted greedily by the most ambitious politicians will put his life in danger, as he will grow up!
    - Move aside!
    Fritz screamed, clenching his teeth angrily. In the line of sight of his weapon was Hellmet who stared at him with wonder. The shears slashed the air like a lightning bolt, chopping off the arm that imprisoned my neck. I collapsed, out of breath, falling brutally to my knees. I felt my father’s arms wrapping protectively my chest. He helped me to stand, smiling with compassion. 
    Fritz took on guard, glancing accusingly at Hellmet:
    - Shall we start?

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